Sharon L Jones
Enlightening Center

The Enlightening Center is
Bridging the Gap Between
Mother Earth & The Universe
By Offering Sharon
Words of Wisdom From God
and the Universe to be translated to you
(Words of Wisdom & Quotes from God & Sharon L Jones)
"Knowledge is the Antidote For Ignorance"
It's a Universal Law!
Always Walk In Gratitude
"Fear is the Downfall of Man!
Face Your Fears - Meet It Head-On!"
"There is No Such Thing As Failure!
It's Just a New Opportunity
to Try Something with a New Approach!"
"There is Nothing You Can Do
About a Second Ago!
You Made it through! You Survived It!
You Did it! It's Gone!
Let It Go!... NEXT!"
"Faith Is The Hardest Thing To Hold Onto
But It's So Worth The Fight!"
"And They Said... I Can't or Couldn't Do It!
Give Up the Words Can't or Couldn't and
You Can Do Anything!"
Don't Let Other People's
Fears & Insecurities
Stop You From Being YOU!
"Should've, Could've, Would'ves
Suspend You From Moving Forward
Do What You Can Today!
It's All You Got!"
"Stop Comparing Yourself To Others,
You'll Never Be Them!
(And Would You Really Want To?)
You Were Created To Be YOU,
So Be YOU!... Not Them!"
"When It Comes To Dreams -
Only Lazy People Don't Make
Them Come True!"
"Discovering Yourself,
Trials & Tribulations, Joy & Laughter
Are All Part of The Journey
My Friend, So, Learn, Enjoy, Share!"
"Smiles and Laughter Last Forever
Tears are Always Wiped Away!"
"Don't Let the Unknown Scare You
It's Just Something
Waiting to Be Discovered"
"Don't know Something?
Research, Learn, Explore!
Then you'll Find Your Answers"
"There Are Only 3 Things People Truly Want
(and in this order)
1. They Want To Be Heard (Acknowledged)
2. They Want To Be Loved &
3. They Want To Know Why They Are Here!"
"The Only Gift God Gave Man
Is The Gift of "Choice"
Choose Wisely!

Hello, and thank you for joining me at my site, the EnlighteningCenter.com where I have been offering services, training, and guidance since 2007.
General Info: My name is Sharon L. Jones... and I have been working in and with the Metaphysical, Spiritual, Alternative Health, New Age, and Paranormal areas all my life. Therefore, I am capable of wearing many hats, and due to my knowledge about energy and things that may not be visible, I carry many titles within those fields. With that said, you can give me or call me whatever title makes you feel comfortable. As for me, I just consider myself to be an Energy Specialist, within those arenas. Also having a corporate background within the computer training and development and financial side of life. I am able to use both the right and left side of my brain, by assisting you with focus, organization, and training that best fits your individual style of learning.
So Welcome! I created this site back in 2007 and yes, it has gone through many changes, and like most, so have I. Back in 2017, I lost my son, which really put my life on hold. I also moved to a farm in Delaware Ohio, and due to this, I had to take a few years off to get re-adjusted, to grieve, and to re-build in my new location. After those few years off, I was finally ready and so wanted to open back up and start assisting others again. I missed it and I was looking forward to moving forward. And then bam! The pandemic hit, so I waited, and I waited... And now finally! I am happy to announce, that I have now again, regained my senses, and my health as I had 3 bouts with covid! And I am now back to doing what I love! coaching, teaching, and assisting others, which really brings me great pleasure as it is my passion and to see people get clarity and smile again in these turbulent times, really does my heart good.
So here we go... And so I look forward to this next chapter.
So here is a little bit more ...
About Me: So let me give you the short version of who I am. I'm a person who has had a magnificent life, yet filled with many trials and tribulations, and so far I have been able to survive and conquer all of them. I have also worn many hats, both in business and in my personal life. And along the way, I have developed how to communicate with others and the universe. Due to the events and career choices I have made in my life, I have gained skills, knowledge, and even wisdom to get through and carry on, still living with trust, hope, love, and most importantly, gratitude in my heart. I've had conversations with God, my guides, and various realms of the universe since I can remember. In hindsight, I met my 1st guide at the age of two and I knew who Jesus was before I understood the church version of him. And I thought this was normal for everyone, but as I grew into myself, I realized it was not. Leading to a very lonely adolescence at times. But as I also grew I learned to understand and accept and have faith in what I sensed, saw, and heard in my mind and heart. I feel so blessed and fortunate that I paid attention, and that I developed into the person I am today. Knowing that God the Universe and all that is within it, is here by my side, guiding me, teaching me, and most importantly loving me.
Because I knew about these entities at a very young age, once I was old enough to read and comprehend more, I started putting it all together. God also gave me a great mom, who raised both my brother and I as a single working mom which was frowned upon in that day and age. yet, she too forged on, starting women's support groups through the church and assisting others as well. I admired her and her strength. She was a woman who truly believed in God and made sure we went to church, read the Bible, and learned that through his love, all was possible. But my mom, as she grew, she was also very curious about the universe, and she loved studying about Chinese/Eastern medicine, Eastern philosophies, and various religions. It was the 60's and 70's and she was big into all that went with that era - Yoga, meditation, pyramid energy, self-hypnosis. mind-over-matter, bio-rythem and so much more. Even though I didn't get to see much of her, because being a single mom, she always had to work, and when she wasn't working she was taking night classes to learn even more about the Universe. But I remember on Sundays, we would finally visit and she would tell me about her new discoveries and what she learned through her studies, we'd have great debates, because I also knew stuff, or at least I had my own opinions based on what I had learned from God, Jesus, and other entities, within the universal realms. But on those Sunday afternoons, she'd read to me some of her lessons and I usually drifted off to sleep, but subliminally I must have taken it all in. But there was something else within me. I saw the world differently I could never explain it, and at times I would be afraid even to try because at times I thought I was just plain outright crazy! I carried with me something else; some type of inner strength, a sense of knowing and understanding and trusting about how the Universe and energies that surround us and run through us worked, I somehow was born, with the belief and faith, that love could both conquer all and also heal all, just by asking that it be so and also by directing it as to where it needed to go to produce a healing or a positive outcome. At approximately the age of 5 or 6, I would just love illness or pain away, by hugging others or touching where their pain was and in my mind, wish it away or love it away or ask God or Jesus to heal them as well, and they'd get better, and it worked! As a small child, I really didn't know what I was doing, I just listened to what I heard in my head and what I felt in my heart and knew my friend God would help make my friends better.
As I got older and grew to understand myself, and also acquired a much broader understanding of life and was now old enough to do my own research and comprehend, what might be happening to me could now read and had the vocabulary I needed to describe things, it made it much easier for me, when my senses would kick in and I could then associate my feelings, of what I saw, sensed, heard, felt. (at that time it was called 6th sense) what I learned later or what others would call realms, the Universe, and God. I would see things before they happened, I would sense things around me and yes, since the age of two, I have always had spirits, ghosts, and guides visit me, talk to me, teach me, and guide me; both in my sleep and also in an awake state. I thought it was normal; I never questioned it, nor was I ever afraid of it. I thought everyone had this ability! But as I grew, I soon discovered this was not the case. And like most who are sensitive to energies, at a young age, for years I learned to remain silent, about certain abilities, I brought in with me at birth, leaving my teenage years and young adulthood, extremely lonely, having lots of friends, but always standing on the outside, afraid to be who I truly was. Back then they would have called someone like me crazy or a schizophrenic and I probably would have been locked up! There really weren't too many people who would have understood someone like me back then.
But short story... Due to this ability and many years of discovering myself, playing with the Universe, testing its variables, and with the help of many instances that proved to me or confirmed for me that my abilities to tap in were not just a coincidence, nor was I crazy, I learned to understand it and in fact, it was a reality that I truly could "tap-in"; and through the years, I learned and developed my skills, and learned to trust that what I was seeing, feeling, sensing and hearing was accurate information and accepted that no matter how much I tried to hide it or have it "not" happen, it would always be a way of life for me, whether I wanted it or not.
So moving forward... Now being older, wiser, and having children, and being a computer contractor, C.F.O., and a billing specialist, trying to avoid the woo-woo stuff, plus, I didn't want my kids to think they had a crazy mom, I waited until they could develop their own strengths, beliefs, and talents before I shared my abilities with them. But even though I was successful in a corporate sense, and my kids were getting older, I still wasn't happy, nor was I living up to my full potential or living my purpose or passion.
Therefore, it truly wasn't until my mid-to-late thirties, when I moved from California back to Ohio, where I was born, that I met a few people, who talked about how they too had the ability to tap in, so I felt a little safe that maybe I could share too! I picked up a deck of Tarot cards, as I have been reading them in private since the age of 13, and gave them all a reading. Oh! It felt so good, I was spot on! We laughed and they told me I should be doing that for a living. So that my friends is the short story! And here we are today!
Once I no longer let the "fear" of being judged or being crazy matter to me anymore, I got my confidence back and I began living up to my full potential. I've been reading, healing, and assisting others through my services, and training now for over thirty years; and doing what I love to do... Helping others! Yes, I still have a day job, It just pays bills, but it is not my passion! This is my passion, being of service and helping others get answers and discover just how magnificent they are too! And that is why the Enlightening Center was born!
What it boils down to, is I finally was able to full-force come out of the closet and be able to openly use my abilities to help others. Whether it was my being able to assist with healing which I've been doing since at least 6 years of age or with being able to tap into various energy systems to get answers and guidance. I learned how to re-build my confidence in things that had been hiding inside me and instead of shying away from them, or letting fears step back in this time, I met them head-on and accepted who I truly was; when I did this, then the floodgates opened and due to the time-frame we are living in now, other doors have opened up, words were finally put in the dictionary like psychic, empath, medium, to describe someone like me, science through neuroscience and technology are discovering more and more how energy truly works and how your thoughts and vibrations you carry are everything, something I've known all my life. So yay for me and in reality, yay for you; because now you too can explore these possibilities for yourself. And if you'd like, I'd love to assist you with that. Eliminating the fear, answering your questions, or even assisting with helping you feel whole again. It's what I love to do, It's my passion! So this was the short version of why ii do what I do. I would love to assist you as well with discovering your true potential.
Many Blessings my friends!