Sharon L Jones
Enlightening Center
Readings, Coaching, Medium, Paranormal, Metaphysical, Health & Wellness, Animal Therapies, Consulting, Training
When You Find the Service You Would Like, Call to Schedule an Appointment
Payment Plans Are Available For Some Services
A $10.00 Non-Refundable Deposit May Be Required To Reserve Your Appointment. The Remaining Balance Is Due On or Before Your Session

Since the Pandemic Most services are done via the phone or the internet
An occasional In-house visit can be arranged if needed.
Call or Text - 614-440-4076

Tarot - Oracle - Psychic
ALL READINGS - General Info - I have been offering readings since the age of thirteen, when I was introduced to my first Tarot deck, in 1971! It always amazes me how accurate the energies can be, since then, I developed my understanding of energy and can tap in on a psychic intuitive level as well, no visuals needed!
All readings are performed by tapping into energies, gathering information from the Universal energies, your own energies, and Earth's energies that are surrounding you and/or your situation. I then translate the information I receive to you. Once we look at the whole picture, we will then take time to discuss the information you received during the reading and I will answer any questions you may have and if need be, I may offer you guidance as to how you yourself can change your energy system for a positive outlook so that you feel in control and comfortable with the energies you walk in.
Tarot Reading $80.00
Tarot offers you a Visual Discovery of What "Your" Energies and the Universal Energies have to Offer You and/or Your Situation. I then offer guidance as to how to keep or change energies so that you feel you are now in control of the situation and are aware of what energies you are walking in.
Psychic / Intuitive Session $80.00
Psychic / Intuitive Readings are done without the visual aid of the cards. I as the reader tap into your energies and the energies around you (with your permission of course) to offer you insight to your situation or questions.
Oracle Card Readings $80.00
Ask the Angels, the Ascended Masters, Fairies, Goddesses, and more for guidance or answers - This is like talking to your best friend and asking them for their advice. Using Oracle cards, you can obtain answers from the various realms of the Universe. I as the reader will then translate, what they are telling you so that you can equate it to your situation or question.

Transformational & Wellness Coaching Service - Call for pricing and Free Consultation
If you need change, direction, organization, or even if you don't know what you need. Coaching is the best place to start! You and I will work together to find your strengths, remove blockages and old thought patterns, and using neuroscience and linguistic techniques we change them into a more positive state, then we set your goals and create a road map so you can accomplish the things you set out to do without the frustration of feeling lost or confused. You'll discover where you want to go or who you want to become, building your confidence, self-esteem and finally realizing you are capable of having it all! Love, money, whole-health, and a positive attitude to pursue it all! You'll walk away knowing who you are, knowing what it is you want and you'll have both the tools and the knowledge as to how to do it! Sounds good doesn't it? I offer both short and long-term commitment packages to suit your needs and your schedule

Transform your life today! - If you need change, direction, organization, or even if you don't know what you need. Coaching is the best place to start!
Individual sessions are available starting at 85.00 per session or packages are available starting at $250.00 for a 4-week commitment. (That's just $62.50 per session!)

(Also see Alternative Health Services)
The following Metaphysical services do not fall under the specs of "Alternative Health Modalities", therefore I list them here,
as I feel they too are essential for both your health and well-being.
Cutting Cords $150.00 - 1 hr. 30 min (In-Person or Distantly)
Free yourself up! Cut the cords that bind you!
Cutting cords is somewhat like a baby's umbilical cord being cut. Allowing that being to be free, to grow, learn, and be independent. Cords are energy systems that you are holding onto. (It is not to be confused with attachments). We examine which cords you'd like to cut as some cords you may want to keep and those then will be untangled from years of use, so you have a clearer vision and they will work for you and not against you. The cords you want to completely cut will be removed permanently and sent back to the universe with love and respect, as they had served you at one time, but you no longer need them now. By doing this process, you will gain clarity, self-confidence and feel a sense of freedom to move forward...
Removing Attachments $150.00 - 1 hr. 30 min (In-Person or Distantly)
Do you feel like you are being energetically attacked?
Unlike cords, attachments are energy created by negative thoughts of other people and environments, almost feel like you’re having darts thrown at your back, or you're walking in a gray cloud, that you know is not your own. This is when you'd want to consider this process. Not only will this remove them (if there are any) but it will also dissipate them so they do no harm to others and you will learn protection techniques so negativity cannot penetrate your positive space any longer!

If you're in need of an alternative approach for you or your pets, health needs,
I offer Alternative Health modalities and Counseling Therapies
to assist you in all areas of your life - Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.
Being an Energy Specialist, an Alternative Health Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher, Crystal Therapist, Shaman & a Minister, and have been assisting and working with all forms of energy all my life, I am both experienced and extremely knowledgeable at detecting and determining which energy systems and or healing modality would best serve my clients needs.
So if you are new to alternative health, or you have questions, feel free to call for a free consult
(Payment plans are available)
What Is Alternative Health About Your Practitioner Code Of Ethics
Combined Energy Therapy Session $175.00 - Up to 2 hrs . (a.k.a = C.E.T.)
Designed for those who have multiple issues and/or ailments
Follow-up Sessions are $85.00 and can be done (In-Person or distantly)
I am the developer of this healing modality which uses various degrees of healing energy and various healing modality techniques, based on what you've come in for, I will scan both your body and your emotional energies and then work with the healing energies that are specific for you and your energy system. During your session your Chakra & Aura system will also be cleansed, balanced, and aligned, as this will set the stage for the rest of your healing session.
Chakra & Aura Cleansing, Balancing & Alignment $90.00 - For Initial Session - 1hr.
Just starting with Alternative Health and Energy Work? This is where you should start!
Cleaning & maintaining your Chakra & Aura systems are essential to your health...
This session cleanses, balances, and aligns your Chakra & Aura systems. This is crucial, as this is your own personal energy system you carry around with you all your life. When this system is not working correctly or it is sluggish, or the energies are not flowing properly, neither will you! It can wreak havoc in all areas of your life; causing ill-health, lack of clarity, emotional outburst, and much more! You also want these systems to be in proper working order because it is also the energy system that all other energy healing modalities pull from. So please pay attention to this amazing system we all carry, love it, cleanse it, and keep it aligned, so you can live a happy, healthy, productive life.
Reiki (Usui) $80.00 - 45 min. (In-Person or Distantly)
Reiki Sessions are wonderful and can assist you with various ailments
Reiki is a Japanese healing modality that uses symbols to bring in healing energies to assist you. This has become quite popular as it is milder, soothing energy and can assist you with both your physical and emotional needs and recovery.
Crystal Therapy $90.00 - 45 min. (In-Person or Distantly)
Crystals are amazing natural healing tools to assist you on all levels
Read More Crystal Therapy, evokes the energies and minerals that are found within different types of crystals, stones, and gems and an energy worker or crystal therapist has learned how to pull these energies to intertwine with your energies to produce a healing effect within your own physical, emotional and mental energy system as well. These work wonders as we too are a combination of energy and crystals that reside within our own bodies.
Note: Because crystals carry their own energies for healing If choosing a distant session, I do request you email me a picture, so I can lay the crystals upon it for better transfer of healing energy connection. Once the actual crystal energy forms, I then take that energy and direct it to you anywhere in the world. The benefits are the same as if you were here in person)

People are always asking me, even when I'm not working... Sharon, who's around me?
Who's in my house? Can You See them? My answer is yes... I can sense them, hear,
them, and sometimes (if they choose to visually present themselves to me), then yes, I can see them. I've been aware of these types of energies since the age of two when I met my first guide!
Since then, I have met those with great energy and I like hanging out with them. But sometimes you can run into not-so-great or negative energies; this is when I step in and ask those energies to leave; they just need to go or be released, set free, so they can go and find their own peace somewhere else other than your space!
Either way, if you feel or sense you have visitors or paranormal energies around you or in your space and would like to find out about them so you can either begin to communicate with them or ask me to send them on their way... This would be the services for you

Paranormal Discovery & Investigation - Call for Estimate - Starting at $150.00
(Note: Estimates are made by the size & location of your home or business)
Who's in your house or place of business, ghosts, Spirits? Find out who they are... Then you can determine if you'd like them to stay or go!
Do you get a feeling that you may have ghosts in your home or business, find out if you do and why they are there. You can ask them to leave or ask them to stay, the choice is yours. But it's always nice to know, isn't it?
Paranormal & Negative Energy Removal - Call for Estimate - Starting at $200.00
Remove stubborn Ghosts, Spirits, or negative unwanted energy
Sometimes ghosts and negative entities, have a hard time accepting that they need to go into the light. Why should they? Being an energy specialist, minister, and shaman, I have had years of working with stubborn energy systems, not to mention helping those who are stuck, cross into the light, so they too can finally find love, acceptance, and healing. If you have this problem and they won't leave without a fight, call me! Trust me it is all done through love, but the bottom line, is they need to go!
Energy Renewal for Your Home or Business - Prices vary due to size and location
Replace old, stagnate, non-productive energies With New Vibrant Healthy Energy
This has nothing to do with ghosts or visitors in your home or business, but it is the best thing you could offer your family or co-workers! Just like dust builds up and needs to be wiped away so do the energies you walk, sleep, play, and work in every day!
By replacing old, energies, with new fresh productive, healthy energy, you'll be amazed at the benefits this offers not only to your living or working space but to you and those around you as well! You'll feel re-energized, lighter, healthier, calmer, happier, and more productive, both on a physical and emotional level. As positive energies start to flow again, it will bring in clarity, and stamina, and hopefully offer you a peaceful, enjoyable environment to reside and/or work in.

There is nothing more devastating in life than losing a loved one! I know, because I too, lost someone, my son-he was only 27! It is the worst pain there is! No words can
describe it! So I know that on some days the pain can be overwhelming and you just
wish you could join them or speak or communicate with them! If for no other reason than to be reassured that they are okay! This is why I feel privileged and grateful that I can assist you and others in this way; as it truly helps to communicate, hopefully, get some answers, or even just to say you love them and have the acknowledgment, that they heard you, so you can have that closure and feel peace moving forward.
If you need assistance or closure with a loved one; or you just want to check-in and see how they're doing,
I would love to assist both you and your loved one with connecting once more.
And if you, yourself on a human-level need assistance with accepting this type of loss and just don't know if you can move forward, I'm here to assist you with that as well. So if you're at this point, please reach out, if not to me then someone to help you through the grieving process.

Connect with your loved ones, Get answers and/or closure, or just check-in and say hi.
Together we will try to connect with your loved one so that you can get questions answered or receive the closure you deserve.
Grief Therapy - Initial Session $75.00
$65 for Follow-up Sessions
Losing a loved one is tough, and sometimes recovering from that loss is even worse!
You don't have to do it Alone. Together we'll get you through this.
Your grief will probably never end, but there comes a time when you must pick up the pieces and begin to rebuild and live again. Get the support so that you understand the process. As I too lost my son at age 27, so I definitely understand your pain and how hard it is to put the pieces together to be able to move forward, I am here for you and I will support you, hold your hand, and offer you the tools to continue on.

Because I am a registered Minister with the state of Ohio, and also a Life Coach; I am able to offer counseling and guidance for those who do not wish to be categorized or put in a box as with Traditional Counseling or therapy; and because I am also an Alternative Health Practitioner, I follow the Alternative/Complimentary "Code of Ethics" along with the "Privacy" regulations of H.I.P.P.A. Therefore we can speak freely without any worries that your information would be shared and/or that I would label you with any medical diagnosis. This allows you the freedom to truly be yourself and share what's on your mind, in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
(Payment Plans Are Available)
Spiritual Counseling - Initial Session $100 - Following sessions $65.00
Support for the sole, comfort for your heart, a hand to hold on to, and an ear to listen...
No matter what your dilemma is or what you are facing in your life, just having someone to talk to on a non-biased level, can make a world of difference as we all need support and someone to be there for us, especially when we feel lost, depressed, emotional and yes, even happy! Because sometimes you just want to share or to have someone just listen!
Spiritual counseling to me is not based on a specific religious order, but what I base my counseling on is love, compassion, and acceptance, in my mind I work for God and those energies assist me with helping you, I have faith enough for the both of us, that you truly can make it through anything and together we'll figure out what the best course of action would be for your specific situation.
Grief Therapy - Initial Session $100.00 - 1hr. 30 min (In-Person or by Phone)
Losing a loved one is tough, and we all need support
Follow-Up Sessions are $65.00 for 45 min
There are no words that someone can relay to you to take away the pain of losing a loved one! Trust me I know first-hand, I lost my 27-year-old son, so I absolutely can relate to what you are feeling and going through. There's no pain like it! And no, you'll never be the same again! It will be different, but I'm here to support you and let you know, in time you'll come to understand it. and that's what I want to offer you, understanding and support. I too had to learn how to get through it, accept it, and move forward so that I could live in a functioning, productive and yes even sometimes happy state. And I want you to be able to do that too!
Please let me be your support system and guide you through the recovery process of losing someone dear to you. I will offer you the tools and knowledge I gained having to work through this myself and I can also offer support in a different way, because not only am I a minister, but I am also a medium since the age of two, I can also reassure you that your loved one truly is happy, loved, out of pain and wants you to be happy too! That is their greatest wish and together, we'll work on letting them see you smile once more.
Loss Counseling - Initial Session $100 - Following sessions $65.00
Learn the steps you must go through so that you can move forward and rebuild
We've all lost something, we're not talking about losing a loved one, that is grief, we're talking about the loss of a job, friend, home, business, or relationship. The things that at the time can be quite devastating and can paralyze you for a time, if you let it! I don't want you to get stuck in the Why's??? or the “I should have”, “could have”, or “would have “or you constantly ask yourself “What am I gonna do now” because regardless of what you say or ask yourself, somehow and someway you will in fact continue on. So why not get clarity sooner than later? Yes it may seem hard while you’re still feeling the pain of the loss, and yes, you might not be aware, but there are actual steps and emotions you must allow yourself to go through, if you don't, you'll feel stuck, angry, and possibly even bitter, creating even more negativity in your life! And you certainly don’t want more of that right now, do you? So together I’ll walk you through those steps and assist you with rebuilding an even better way of life than you thought you had had. Trust me, It can be done!
So, through this program, you learn the steps you must allow yourself to go through, and then you begin to learn how to recover, heal and re-build even a better life than you had before that loss. Trust me it can be done!

Your animals deserve the best!
Why not offer them a healthy natural way for both their emotional and physical needs
Depending on the breed and travel time, prices will vary -Call for an Estimate
*** Bonus! If you adopt an animal from a shelter - Let me say THANK YOU!
Then, call me within the first 30 days of adoption and I will offer the first session for FREE!
To help release the stress and trauma your new pet has gone through, so it can adjust quickly to its new environment.
Note: If you are out of the Columbus/Delaware Ohio Area, a distant healing session is also available - Call for details
Animal/Pet Energy Work - Starting from $65.00 -
Prices vary based on animal size and travel - This service is also available distantly
We love our animals and they deserve the best! Help them today!
Energy work for animals is amazing and they get to participate, whether I talk to them telepathically or they pick out their own stones. They react extremely well to energy work, especially when crystals are involved and they actually assist with their own healing. They are far more in tune with using energies and vibrations than most humans. Let's face it, they use it every day to communicate and comfort you. Therefore, why not use a therapy that they can relate to? During our session together I will let them guide me as to their discomfort or fears.
Whether they need energy work or Crystal Therapy, I will be there to offer support for them. I will also clean, balance and align their Chakra system. Your pets are the ones who carry the weight of your heart and emotions. and sometimes they take on a lot, don't they? So I am here to assist with clearing any negative energies they may be carrying for you and free their energies up, so they can regain their own energy, and health so they can live a long, healthy happy, loving, productive life by your side.
Animal/Pet Energy Maintenance - $55.00 if done distantly $65.00 In-person + travel fee
After your pet's Initial "Energy Work" session...
You may consider a monthly energy "Tune-Up" to maintain his/her health and emotional well-being. Just like you schedule your monthly massage or you regularly go to maintain your nails. Your animals need maintenance too! Why not incorporate this into their schedule as well, as the benefits it offers your animal is significant both for their health and well-being! This can be done both in person or from a distance.
OTHER SERVICES OFFERED - Prices vary depending on the service you choose
Ministerial - Need a Minister for your wedding or baptism? I am registered with the state of Ohio to perform all ministerial duties, including weddings, baptisms, funerals, counseling, and more. Please feel free to reach out.
Speaking Engagements - I am available to join you and your group to speak on different topics within the Metaphysical, Spiritual, Alternative Health, and New Age Arenas. You can specify or request which topic you would like me to speak about and I will create a presentation specifically for you and your group. Filled with information and question time.
Parties - Readings and/or Numerology have been the most successful for a party.
Let me be the entertainment for the night. This is a great "Girl's Night Out" Idea or a side event to keep guests occupied while they shop or wait their turn for another event. Great for Social lunches as well!