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The modalities that are offered here through the Enlightening Center and performed by Sharon L. Jones, and/or those who have been trained and certified through the Enlightening Center, are to be considered alternative health or complementary medicine modalities.  These alternative modalities are intended to assist with "one's own healing ability" as we are not to be considered "healers", we consider ourselves "alternative health

practitioners; using various techniques and modalities; assisting you so that you can heal yourself.  In regards to "using an Energy Healing Modality such as Reiki or C.E.T., we assist by becoming the vessels for healing energy and through our knowledge and training, we are able to direct the proper flow of energy that runs through and around all of us.   Alternative and/or complementary modalities can be used along-side and/or with the "traditional" medical professional world and is not intended to replace "traditional medicine practices, but to assist or enhance your healing process.  


Below you will find the "Code of Ethics"  that all practitioners, therapists, healers, etc.  should abide by while offering you their services and practicing within the Alternative/Complementary Health and Natural Medicine Arenas.

Code of Ethics


  • Always explain what each modality/therapy is and how it works to your “New” clients.

  • It is illegal (in all states) to diagnose any illness or disease and/or to prescribe or advise someone to take or stop taking any medically prescribed medicines.

  • Never suggest, advise, etc. that your client should stop seeing their traditional medical doctors.  And do not claim that you can “Cure or Heal” someone. (Leave that to the licensed traditional medical profession.  As within the alternative health arena, we know and understand it is our clients themselves who have the ability to heal and or cure themselves, we are just a vessel to assist.)

  • You are allowed to discuss your concerns, (without offering a diagnosis) and are permitted to recommend your client seek "traditional" medical assistance from a traditional licensed medical professional. if you feel it deems appropriate.

  • We by law - follow the H.I.P.A. privacy laws that are in place and never share client information unless you have a signed statement that you are able to do so.

  • Always respect other alternative/complementary practitioners, regardless of their lineage or teachings.

  • Alternative/complementary practitioners should never ask anyone to remove his or her clothing. Unless it is approved by becoming licensed under each individual state law.  (Example:   Massage therapist, Colan cleansing therapist, etc., check your local state regulations in regards to any modalities or therapies you are considering doing within your own practice.)

  • Never touch or speak to your clients inappropriately

  • Always respect other practitioners and the "Principals" and Practice of each healing modality with honor and respect.

  • Always use your best judgment as to when and where you will perform an alternative health session.

  • Never touch a client unless you have gotten permission first as most energy healing modalities, do not require physical contact.

  • Never send healing/energy without a person knowing that you are sending it to them. (Pertaining to distance healing) We believe all have free will and it would be unethical for a practitioner to send energy to another without their consent, even if you, the practitioner believes that need it.  Note:  If you feel they would benefit from it, you may suggest or offer it to them and explain why you feel it would be a benefit to them. - Exception - (The Universe does approve and will assist during catastrophes, major alarming events, such as bombings, shootings, etc.  sending out immediate healings is accepted, if need be without permission.    This would also include if your client asked you to send healing to maybe a child or parent, who cannot speak for themselves and/or contact you.  Prayers and well-wishes of any kind are always welcome as long as unconditional love directs those energies. )

  • Most importantly -- Always work with and in gratitude, unconditional love and ALWAYS say thank you to your highest power and all energy systems that have assisted you during the sessions.



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